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I am a product of the Baby Boomer generation so my school qualifications which were considered quite respectable when I left school must seem like an historic document to younger people.

I will tell you that I have an O’level in Commerce.  This was a relatively new subject on the curriculum at the time and subsequently a similar syllabus is I believe “Business studies now.  I particularly enjoyed studying advertising and promotional methods for new or revamped products.  I still pay more attention to the adverts on TV than to the film or whatever, providing the advert is good quality.  Weak and aggravating  adverts can make me almost scream.

I got top grade in English, so I am a little pedantic about grammar and spelling.  I enjoy communicating in writing.

I have an O’level in art from school and I have studied under some respected artists in order to get  place on the foundation course for a degree.  At that time, the economy plunged into recession and we needed another income to keep a roof over the heads of our children and ourselves.

I worked as a site clerk in the construction industry for ten years.  I loved being involved in construction and refurbishment all around the UK.  I gained a great deal of experience of purchasing, and people management.  Bear in mind, nobody had mobile phones in those days so the guys had to use the office phone during tea and lunch breaks which meant that we overheard their dealings with solicitors and mortgage companies.  We were a team and we did our best to help each other.

I studied Photography at evening classes during my last two years at school in the hope that I might have been able to become a photographer.  This experience has been great for using visual aids in promotions; the term we spent learning how to develop our photos using a dark room and chemicals to develop them from 35mm film has been of no use in my various careers.

My new skillset is using design software to make our logo, lots of animations to capture the attention of people who might enjoy building their own business in their spare time.  Worst case scenario; everyone goes broke so we have nobody to offer anything to, we will always know we didn’t give in without a fight.  Maybe not everyone has what it takes to become Martin Lewis and his MSE website, which I believe gives him a personal financial worth of £123,000,000.  Not quite in the league of Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg, but a very good example for us to look at.

Money Saving Expert has established itself as THE leader in affiliate marketing in the UK.  Martin gained his accreditation during the years he’s hosted

“The Martin Lewis Money Show” 

 I studied website design at Brighton College between 2002 and 2004. I spent several years designing, promoting and managing websites for small business owners.  I began adding affiliate links for people in order to make their sites generate an income in their own right.

I consider my biggest under-estimation of affiliation to be the earliest online gambling websites.  I added links to an American gambling website in 2003.  It didn’t generate any income for the website owner and I concluded that the British were not that interested in online gambling; Las Vegas casino games, roulette and poker, at that time held no appeal to the people who used the website.  If only I had given the casino more prominence and time to catch people’s attention, that site might have been worth a fortune now when I see a new gambling sites advertised every week.

We learn from our mistakes.  My big goal now is to keep watching the trends to discover the new “Rucick’s Cube”.  The one ‘must-have’ object.  I want to be the one who is promoting the toy that every child will be asking Santa for this Christmas.

My new skillset is using design software to make our logo, lots of animations to capture the attention of people who might enjoy building their own business in their spare time.  Worst case scenario; everyone goes broke so we have nobody to offer anything to, we will always know we didn’t give in without a fight.  Maybe not everyone has what it takes to become Martin Lewis and his MSE website, which I believe gives him a personal financial worth of £123,000,000.  Not quite in the league of Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg, but a very good example for us to look at.

Money Saving Expert has established itself as THE leader in affiliate marketing in the UK.  Martin gained his accreditation during the years he’s hosted

“The Martin Lewis Money Show”

One criticism of  the affiliate marketing business is that our social media promotions can make us look desperate for business.

My reply is to apologise for not creating a compelling or powerful promotion.  Yes I am desperate to become successful.  If Gwyneth Paltrow can make millions promoting some very obscure products with little or no purpose but they are an ethical product which will not leave a carbon foot-print, why can’t I prompt my followers to purchase their needs through the links on my pages.  Yes, sometimes the idea doesn’t work out as planned but I am learning new methods for design and content every day and I hope that I will be sharing some of my wisdom with the other members of my team.

The key to learning to be successful is to study the methods of those who have succeeded in the business we would like to be successful in.

When you look at the example of Gwynneth’s vry successful website, you are looking at the business that one of us might be lucky enough to build.  Ten percent of $600, multiplied by the hundreds every day because of the prestige of a product promoted by this very attractive and popular Hollywood film star.

By admin

A keen artist and photographer, I love to include my pictures with my posts whenever appropriate. I've been designing web-sites for over 20 years and with all the great tools available now, I just keep designing to make the most of the new technology.

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