RANDY GAGE (Motivational Genius and Guru for 30 years)

Listen to the wisdom Randy shares.

The quality of our lives and the quality of everything we surround ourselves with.

Every day, so-called marketing gurus warn of saturation in any field of marketing.  Whilst there are many work-from-home parents and people with health and mobility problems taking advantage of the simple business model of affiliate marketing, there are hundreds of new and established companies launching affiliate marketing programs every day.

This is the reason I sift through the many so-called marketing programs and recommend those which are truly the tried and proven gurus.

Randy Gage has been one of the top marketing experts for over a quarter of century now, with on-line courses and his seminars have sold out around the world.

Just spend half an hour each day listening to his wisdom and inspiring contrarian concepts.


Create your next breakthrough

Mad Genius is a unique book for entrepreneurs–and for employees who want to think like entrepreneurs. It will help you unleash the innate creative genius inside you.

Every industry has its sacred cows and accepted practices. These are often based upon foundational premises that are no longer valid–if they ever were.

There’s a reason Facebook was birthed in a dorm room, Amazon.com came from people not in the bookstore business, and UBER was created by people who weren’t from the taxi industry. Innovation, discovery, and creating disruption require blowing up conventional thinking and unleashing your entrepreneurial brilliance.



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By admin

A keen artist and photographer, I love to include my pictures with my posts whenever appropriate. I've been designing web-sites for over 20 years and with all the great tools available now, I just keep designing to make the most of the new technology.

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