Reading is known to have numerous benefits. It increases your world knowledge, enhances your vocabulary, and works to improve your reading comprehension abilities.

But did you know that reading can actually make you smarter?

In fact, reading not only can make a child smarter, the very act of reading can even help to compensate for modest levels of cognitive ability in children by building their vocabulary and general knowledge! This is a finding reported by researchers Cunningham and Stanovich in a report titled “What Reading Does For the Mind”.

boost your child's intelligence with early reading lessons

The simple fact here is that reading can make your child smarter, and that learning to read early on is directly linked to later success in life.

1) Did you know that your child’s vocabulary at 3 years old predicts his or her grade one reading success?

2) Did you know that vocabulary and reading ability in first grade strongly predicts grade 11 outcomes?

3) Did you know that your child’s reading skill in grade 3 directly influences high school graduation? Studies have found that children who cannot read proficiently by grade 3 are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers! [3]

> Give your child the best possible head start. Teach your child to read today. Click here to learn how.

But how do you teach a young child to read, and isn’t that the job of the school and teachers?

You can’t be more wrong…

With the right tools, knowledge, and techniques, teaching young children to read can be a simple and effective process. I’d like to introduce you to a fantastic reading program called Children Learning Reading, a super effective method for teaching children to read – even children as young as just 2 or 3 years old.

The creators of this program have used it to teach their four children to read before age 3, and by reading, I mean real, phonetic reading.

I can understand if you find that hard to believe… In fact, I had a difficult time believing it myself as well… that is, until I saw the videos they posted documenting the reading progress of the their children – not to mention all the videos other parents have sent in showcasing their children’s reading progress after using the Children Learning Program. After learning more about their methods and techniques, it became clear how it’s possible to teach young children to read effectively.


It is truly within your ability to teach your child to read in a relatively short period of time spending just 10 to 15 minutes each day.

> Click here now to watch the videos and start teaching your child to read.


We Teach Using Scientifically Proven Methods
Decades of scientific research has proven that Phonemic Awareness and Synthetic Phonics are by far the most effective methods for teaching children of ALL ages to read.
Yet, most schools still do not teach it, and those that do, may only teach piecemeal phonics without a logical and coherent curriculum.
Worse yet, so many schools still prefer the teaching of “sight words” and ineffective strategies of guessing and skipping over unknown words…
…and this is precisely why so many children STRUGGLE WITH READING!
One third of all grade 4 students can’t even read at a basic level…
I know the stress and burden parents live through when their child struggles with reading. I see the shame and self-blame in the struggling readers I help.
It doesn’t have to be this way! Our children can’t read because they are taught with the wrong methods.

   Children lacking Phonemic Awareness (PA) will have difficulties with learning to read and spell.

  Synthetic Phonics and Phonemic Awareness training accelerates reading and spelling skills of all children.

  Synthetic Phonics and Phonemic Awareness improves children’s word reading and reading comprehension.
My program shows you exactly how to teach all this through step-by-step phonics & PA lessons combined with fun games and activities to transform children from not knowing even letters and sounds to eventually reading chapter books and novels!
This Method Works For Children Of ALL Ages
Fact: Reading Can Boost A Child’s IQ By Over 6 Pts!
My method works for children as young as 2 years old! You’ve seen in it in my videos. All 4 of my kids learned to read by age 3.
ALL children can learn to read early.
My book shows you the three simple things that I do to help my children develop incredible phonemic awareness at just 2 years old.

  Your child will develop amazing reading and literacy skills years ahead of their peers!

  Through the process of reading and learning to read, children can become smarter with enhanced intellectual development… proven by science!

  Your child will develop a real love of reading and learning.

Your child will be Reading To Learn, while other children are still Learning To Read.
This method also works for older school aged children. Over the years, I’ve worked with many (6 – 9 years old) struggling readers.
These are perfectly bright and intelligent kids, but they struggle because schools set them up to fail. I can typically get them caught up to grade level in just 8 to 10 weeks.
Their confidence and happiness simply skyrockets! Our full Synthetic Phonics Program is highly recommended for struggling readers.

  Your child will also develop superb spelling skills.

  Your child will develop a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s a fact, good readers have high levels of self-confidence, while struggling readers are faced with self-doubt and low self-esteem.

  Significantly increase your child’s vocabulary, and quickly improve your child’s reading and reading comprehension abilities.

Try it risk-free. You’ve got nothing to lose. 
Let me take ALL the risk with my 60 days money back, satisfaction guarantee! I can provide such a long guarantee because of my pure CONFIDENCE in my teaching methods!










By admin

A keen artist and photographer, I love to include my pictures with my posts whenever appropriate. I've been designing web-sites for over 20 years and with all the great tools available now, I just keep designing to make the most of the new technology.

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